Ballroom BeachBash
Online purchase forms for dance entries and other items

There are two areas below. The upper area (with the blue background) allows you to log-on if you have previously registered on this web site. If you have not previously registered on this web site you must go to the bottom area of the page (with the white background), read the instructions, then complete and submit the information. This sets up an account in which your entries and purchases will be stored. You may then return to this page, log-on, and add, delete, and revise entries and purchases.

If you have previously registered in on this web site just enter your email address and password to log-on.

 Email       Password

If you forget your password do not re-register in the box below because it will cause all of your previously entered information to be overwritten and lost. Instead, email the organizer and request that your password be emailed to you.  
Forgot password, click here

 If you have not previously registered on this web site complete the form below, but read these instructions first:

(1) Required fields are designated by an asterisk (*).
(2) If you are an independent person or couple enter the name for your mailing address (last name, first name - e.g. Doe, Mr. and Mrs. John) in the studio name slot and check the 'Independent' box.
(3) If you are one of several independent teachers operating from the same studio, want to be invoiced separately from the studio, but want only the studio name listed in the competition program, then enter the studio name followed by your name enclosed in angle brackets (e.g. My Studio <My name>) in the studio name slot but do not check the 'Independent' box.
(4) Enter the country only if you want the country rather than your studio name/location listed to the right of your dance entries in the program (don't enter USA).
(5) The contact person should be the studio manager or the person submitting this registration form.
(6) Your email address and password are used to identify you when and if you return to this site, so you are required to enter them twice to confirm that they are correct. You can not change them later.
(7) If you enter credit card information, please do so carefully as you can not change it later.

 Studio name*       Independent

 Phone*  Fax   


 City   State Zip Country

 Contact person last name*  First name

The following information can not be changed after it is submitted, so enter it carefully!
Confirm email* 

Enter desired password*
Confirm password*
Please make a note of your password!

Credit card information is optional. It will be encrypted in a proprietary format.
Type Card number*  Security code*  Expiration date* 
Name on card*  Address* 
City*  State*  Zip*  Country