Tri-State DanceSport Championships
**Heat Lists are Tentative and Subject to Change**
Please Check Your Heat List the Day You are Competing!

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List of Judges
01 Cathi Nyemchek
02 Rita Gekhman-Algarra
03 Jason Chao Dai
04 Linda Dean
05 Katusha Demidova
06 Steven Dougherty
07 Tony Dovolani
08 Nina Estrina
09 Marat Gimaev
10 Ilya Ifraimov
11 Inna Ivanenko
12 Colin James
13 Katia Kuznetsova
14 Igor Litvinov
15 Maria Manusova
16 Diana McDonald
17 Marianne Nicole
18 Sasha Nissengolts
19 John Nyemchek
20 Andre Paramonov
21 Polina Pilipenchuk
22 Artem Plakhotnyi
23 Christine Primeau
24 Helle Rusholt-Yi
25 Irina Sarukhanyan
26 Nikolay Smodlev
27 Sam Sodano
28 Aigars Stolcers
29 Marina Tarsinov
30 Elena Tsarev